

Collection of pertinent basic and technical information about the recipient country, confirmation of project relevance and feasibility as well as of the appropriate scope and level of assistance/cooperation needed, with proper assessment of current technical level of the beneficiary country.

Survey on the forecasting service of a local meteorological department

Discussion with members of a local meteorological department

Topographic Survey

Concrete Strength Test


【Grant Aid Project】

Construction Management of the Project including design, procurement of materials and equipment, building facilities, etc.

Wind Profiler System

Automatic Weather Observation System

Sea Level Sensor

Meteorological Radar Tower Building


【Technical Cooperation Project】

Transfer of Japanese Technology and Knowledge to the people in developing countries

Conduct of an Open Class on meteorology and disaster prevention (Preparation and Utilization of Animated Cartoons)

Conduct of trainings on the maintenance & management of meteorological observation equipment

Conduct of trainings on the Numerical Weather Prediction Product (NWP) and Weather Guidance

Repair and Inspection of Meteorological Observation Equipment

Technical Training in Japan